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Travel Tips

Be Prepared and Stay Healthy While Travelling

Fevers, viruses, diseases and the flu… these are the opposite of what someone wants to experience while travelling overseas. What could be worse than going on holiday and getting ill? Luckily, our team have experience in travelling off the beaten track and have a few tips! Read more...

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When travelling, it is important to take precautions to keep your health in check and reduce the risk of potentially disastrous problems if you do happen to get sick or have an accident when abroad.

The Globetrotter team are experts in travelling! Here are three of our top tips for staying healthy while travelling…

Travel Tip #1 – Vaccinations

Vaccinate, vaccinate, vaccinate! It is essential to be immunised against diseases and illnesses when travelling overseas. Even if the destination appears relatively safe, it’s better to take precautions to ensure your health remains a top priority. Additionally, there may be some destinations that require specific vaccinations (and proof of immunisation on arrival) due to viruses or diseases that are prevalent within that area.

Ensure you allow enough time prior to travelling (6-8 weeks) to speak to a doctor about any health-related issues you may face when abroad.

Travel Tip #2 – Research Your Destination

Some of the necessities we take for granted, like access to uncontaminated water, milk and food, is not always guaranteed when travelling overseas. It’s important to research your travel destination to learn about the health and hygiene practices undertaken when preparing food and drinks. Sometimes it can be best to give the street food stalls a pass and stick to restaurants.

Travel Tip #3 – Travel Insurance

“It won’t happen to me. I don’t need travel insurance, right?” Wrong.

The potential to fall ill, be in an accident or face unfortunate circumstances that land you in hospital or needing to visit a doctor is applicable to every traveller. Full travel insurance means that the Australian government will cover you and any treatment needed overseas. Without the insurance, you’ll have to pay the medical bills yourself. Ensure you have a copy of your insurance policy on you as you travel. We can take care of all your travel insurance needs for you.

Additionally, pack any medicines you need (with the related prescription forms) and know how to manage any allergies when travelling abroad. Seek advice from medical professionals regarding any concerns you may have, so you can get out there and enjoy your luxurious holiday!

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